Emmanuel Joseph “Radicabbot” Sieyès presents “What is the third estate” (circa January, 1789) –> slide 1
- Everything
- “Whole Enchilada”
- In other words, the nation
Emmanuel Joseph “Radicabbot” Sieyès presents “What is the third estate” –> slide 2
- Yes, it’s ironic that I’m saying the other estates don’t matter, even though I’m an abbot, and a member of the First Estate
- But you have to admit I’m in the lower echelon of the First Estate
- And I’m radical dude
- Radical, dude!
Jacque Necker presents “Pink Slip Payback” (circa July 11, 1789) –> slide 2
- Not enough to fire me from exalted position as Finance Minister
- King has banished me to Basel!
- I wouldn’t mind so much if there was some money to go with the banishment.
Lucie Simplice Camille Benoist Desmoulins presents “Don’t worry about my silly name and stutter, they’ve banished Necker, and it’s a bad thing!” (circa July 12, 1789) –> slide 1
- To arms!
- They’re going to kill us re-re-formers!
Gunter Essiggurkestabber presents “Yah, ve ran!” –> only slide
- Royal-Allemand Cavalerie ist goot heavy cavalry
- Ya, mostly German-speaking
- And allergic to smelly Parisians
- (Especially when they pelt us with paving stones.)
Bernard-René de Launay, Governor of the Bastille, presents “What the…?” –> slide 6
- Um, the rioters seem to be in the outer courtyard
- They don’t have much gunpowder
- But the garrison is only 89 old toothless soldiers
Bernard-René de Launay, Governor of the Bastille, presents “What the…?” –> slide 7
- I think I’ll open the gates to the inner courtyard
- Save lives
- But I’ve got a bad feeling about it…
Desnot presents “In the groin” –> slide 1
- Yeah, Launay shouted “Enough! Let me die!”
- Then he kicked me in the croissants!
- Still, we shouldn’t have sawn off his head.
Storming of the Bastille: July 14, 1789, and kicked off the French Revolution.