Orson Wells and Mercury Theatre present “this just in” (slide 2)
We interrupt this program to bring you a news bulletin:
- strange explosions on Mars
- meteorite landed in Grover’s Mill, New Jersey.
Orson Wells and Mercury Theatre present “this just in” (slide 3)
- reporter Carl Philips here at landing site
- large crowd watching Martian rocket ship open up
- heat rays vaporize people in crowd
- O the humanity!
Dwayne Lunchbucket, listening to the radio in Schenectady, NY, presents “I’m freakin’ out” (only slide)
- Martians, Martians!
- Aiiiiii!
[sound of front door slamming after I run out of house, screaming like a little girl]
Orson Wells and Mercury Theatre present “this just in” (slide 7)
- Martians spraying poison gas
- US Army can’t stop them
- total annihilation imminent.
Radio-listening public presents “hey, let’s panic!” (several thousand slides, repeated over and over)
- is it really Martians?
- no, must be a mistake, it’s the Germans!
- The Germans have invaded?
- Yep, Germans!
- Aiiiii!
Orson Wells presents “it’s just a play people” (slide 6)
- once again, we remind you that this is just a play
- a performance by The Mercury Theater
- I am boy genius, Orson Wells, and we will serve no drama before its time.
Inspired by:
Anniversary of original radio broadcast of The War of the Worlds, October 30, 1938