Thag presents “Less darky!” (circa 11,564 BC) –> Only slide
- Shortest day in year
- Less darky after this
- More light good
- Pass mammoth rib please!
Catullus presents “Saturnalia ho!” (circa 69 BC) –> Slide 6
- gifts
- gambling
- tomfoolery (masters serve the slaves, nudge, nudge)
- public nudity
- the best of times!
Snagur Snarfasson presents “Yule be guessing” (circa 215 AD) –> Slide 3
Julebukking is the best:
- Disguise ourselves in masks and costumes
- Carry dead goat’s head in honor of Thor
- Visit neighbors
- Scare shit out of them ’till they give us mead.
Origen presents “Nativity schmativity” (circa 245 AD) –> Slide 1
- Christ is not like some pharaoh
- Only sinners celebrate birthdays
- Do you want to be a sinner?
King Richard II presents “Pig out with the Plantagentents!” (circa 1377 AD) –> slide 12
Christmas feast includes:
- 28 oxen
- 300 sheep
- 2000 chickens
- 1 Yule boar.
Thomas Nast presents “Fat Santa” (circa 1863) –> slide 3
- Harper’s wants a Santa Claus illustration
- Everyone else draws him like some emaciated string bean
- I’m going to make him a fat jolly bastard.
I’m exposing your sordid exploits. Oh yes. I’ve got the scoop on you.
The Yule Boar is on its way! m.
You forgot to include Black Santa.