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The Phrase Freak: Specific Timetable

Non-specific bus timetableThis is a phrase you hear more and more, particularly in the broadcast media, but the print world is guilty of it as well.

For example, I Googled the phrase in a news search yesterday, and got 850 results, including such august publications as the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. To be fair, I was sent to Google after hearing it on CBC (radio) news recently.

A timetable, by it’s very nature, is specific. Otherwise, it is quite useless, as evidenced by the “non-specific” timetable I’ve created for the fictional Godot Buslines.

Freak level on this phrase: 7 gobsmacks out of 10.

Alltop is waiting to serve you humor. Originally published in December 2007.


  1. Gadot Buslines. That’s genius.

  2. Inspired by Parke Godwin and the title of his first book: Waiting for the Galactic Bus. m.

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