I have a new short story out, published at AE – The Canadian Science Fiction Review. Here’s a snippet: Dude! Recognize the handwriting? Yeah, it’s…
Comments closedCategory: Publishers
News about the people who have published Mark’s work — novels, short stories, plays and non-fiction.
An outraged diner emails the In-Vitro Café From: wally42@yaboo.com To: owner@invitrocafe.com Subject: Suing your restaurant ––––––––———————— Dear Proprietor, My wife and I managed to get…
Comments closedOkay, Bart R. Leib is making all of us guys look bad, and he must be stopped. I met him over the weekend, when he…
3 CommentsThe prolific Ahmed Khan has just released the list of stories appearing in one of his upcoming anthologies, Fun Times in Strange Lands. I was…
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