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Video dating

muscled guy with helmet for a head

“So is it on?”

Voice from off-camera: “Let me check.” [camera shakes slightly] “Yep, you’re good.”

“Okay, so you might not guess this from looking at me, but I’m actually a real sensitive dude. I enjoy art, black and white movies, and listening to the jazz of the twenties and thirties. And I love the ocean.

“Obviously, I’m big into the body modification thing, so if that turns you off, just walk away. I don’t want to waste any time with a woman who wants to –quote– fix me. I used to be into shooting up, but those days are way behind me.

“You should probably know that my work keeps me busy. I have these kids that I need to take care of, and let me tell you, they are a handful. Not to mention all the maniacs trying to kill them.”


“I shouldn’t have mentioned that, right?”

Voice from off-camera: “Don’t worry, we can cut that later. We should wrap this up, I think I hear some Splicers coming.”

“Should I mention that I’ve been sterilized?”

Voice from off-camera: “That’s a fourth-date kinda thing, man. Let’s see if anyone can get over the helmet first.”

Alltop would love a Big Daddy. A TECHNOLOGY MAN by suliman almawash. Originally published October, 2010.