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Writted good!

How's it goin'?

Okay, I’ve got to be honest, Nanowrimo is not going so well for me this year.

This is due, largely, to the fact that I’m still somewhat distracted by trying to get some attention paid to Marvellous Hairy. I’ve been running a virtual tour for the past week, which started with an hour-long interview with PodioRacket at Blog Talk Radio, had a few pithy discussions at Name Your Tale, and took a stop at Book Screening. The next appearance is at Rob Kroese’s blog, Mattress Police, where we are sharing a conversation. The first part is there, and the second part will be here tomorrow. Rob has just released his first book, the entertaining and apocalyptic Mercury Falls.

Please join us!

Alltop and humor-blogs.com converse with funny.