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You can almost smell the Canada Reads longlist!

Canada Reads bannerAnd wouldn’t it be great if there was a whiff of surrealist novelist/regressed monkey there?

There’s still time to add your voice to the chorus, and help put Marvellous Hairy on the long list for this year’s Canada Reads on CBC Radio. You can send in your nomination on their online recommendation form, Facebook or Twitter. (And let me know, so I can add you to the draw for a freaky t-shirt and other prizes.) Do it soon, because the voting ends on Monday at midnight!

And some more reviews to note

A few more nice reviews I’d like to point out too!
Lori Hettler, the moderator for The Next Best Book Club (TNBBC), at Goodreads, gave Marvellous Hairy a recommendation (particularly for genre readers).

Mark A. Rayner is an author with a fantastical sense of humor and a dangerous imagination. Part big corporation take-down, part scientific bizarro experimentation, this novel is perfect for fans of the strange and unlikely!

You can read her full review here, and if you’re on Goodreads, join TNBBC here.

Giovanni Gelati has a very kind review at his blog, Gelati’s scoop, and he’s been busy posting it in 19 other places on the Intertubes! Thanks Giovanni!

Check it out, a novel that makes one question many things in our society today and uses the vehicle of comedy and the bizarre to get us there. Laugh while we think, I enjoy that. Yes, it is time to release the monkeys.

Read the whole review here.

And on Amazon.com:

Michael Shea:

“Humor drives the book and mostly comes from the interaction of the colorful characters as they try to make sense of the world they live in.”

E. Linder Otto:
“Marvellous Hariy was an enjoyable journey. Mark A. Rayner has created a world that Tom Stoppard would love to roam in. If you enjoy Neil Gaiman, you will enjoy this five act book with all the laughs of Christopher Moore.”

And let’s not forget, “Trousers Optional”:

“Marvellous Hairy” is a splendid read, definitely a rumpus in the literary ballpit with your favourite friends. There’s a lizard, a lizard I say. And Shakespeare references by the hogshead-ful. There’s sex and drugs and monkeys, and monkeys having sex and taking drugs… and there’s a lizard. Seriously, a big one. You’ll laugh your pants off, assuming you are wearing any. Oh yeah, and there’s a ghost. I don’t know if he wears pants, it’s unclear. But there’s definitely a lizard. And it’s by a Canadian, one much stranger and funnier than Anne Murray or Gordon Lightfoot or the gorgeous blond from Stargate or Peter Jennings or William Shatner. Well, perhaps not funnier than Shatner, but certainly close. Worth a read, people. Especially the part about the Lizard.

Read all the reviews at Amazon.com. And you can also check out the reviews and ratings at Goodreads.