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Ask General Kang: Do you own a typewriter? And do you have 999,999 co-workers?

Ask General KangI have neither, nor do I have an infinite amount of time, so don’t expect to see me write Hamlet anytime soon.

I do, however, have this gripping script about an intergalactic overlord who comes to Earth, starts writing an advice column, and finds himself forced to beat one of his letter writers senseless after he makes a joke about the overlord’s hirsute back, bow legs and penchant for banana cream pies.

But back to your impertinent question: can a million monkeys typing randomly create a work of Shakespeare? No, Shakespeare has already written his oeuvre, so the best they could do is make a copy. (Which would be silly, because it’s now all available on the Internet.)

Some people have done the math, and believe it is impossible, thus proving the existence of God. Others believe that it demonstrates how the universe has evolved. Personally, I’ve watched a few movies by Million Monkeys Studios (a subsidiary of Fox), and I have to side with the first group.

Not only does God exist, It has a cruel sense of humor. More vicious even than Kragnarok the Icky, whose favourite pastime was eating the deep-fried skin of his victims while he bathed them in lemon juice.

Next time: Is it true that putting you face near a quasar will clear up acne?

Alltop could never be written by a million monkeys. Apparently a few thousand is enough. Originally published June, 2008.


  1. Can’t wait for the answer to Next time’s!

    And monkeys being genetically close enough to humans that it hardly matters on an evolutionary scale, I’d say it only took one to write the works of Shakespeare. And he did it without a typewriter!

  2. He did need a goose, however. (Or goose-parts.) 🙂 m.

  3. Shakespeare?


    How about a season of “Lost” that makes sense?

  4. Have to agree with Michael up there, is there really enough of a difference between monkey’s and writers for this to be a worthwhile thing to do.

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