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Carnival of Satire (#106)

Carnival of Satire #106Welcome to the frightening 106th edition of the Carnival of Satire, where if you can’t laugh, you will fill with bile and explode. Let’s jump right into the mayhem!

Pre-Halloweenie Horrors

Ahistoricality has been busy digging through the web, and has found a number of delectable terrors for us, including this panicky email: Your Urgent Help Needed

Ahistoricality also uncovered this seasonal satire: The Hellborn Spawn of the MLA Swamp Monster: A Horror Film in Five Acts.


Despite the market meltdown, political concerns still dominate the carnival this month, beginning with gem: presents The time has come to ask: What might happen to our country if we elect a black Muslim terrorist president? (HT to Ahistoricality again, and for the next entry too.)

Then again, some of the hypothetical candidates might understand what the economy is really doing: Obama to Nation: ‘Fuck this shit, I’m outta here’

Rickey Henderson had an illuminating debate preview that you will kick yourself for missing: Rickey Presents: The Vice Presidential Debate of Submisunderestimanation (AKA The Only Vice Presidential Debate Preview Worth Reading) .

GrrlScientist did some digging of her own and discovered one of the candidate’s index cards: Sarah Palin’s Debate Strategy Flow Chart.

Madeleine Begun Kane rhymes in with some poetry about the manic McCain: Finally, A John McCain Statement I Can Agree With .

Metapundit Edgy the Anticlown has an insight into what this is all leading towards in his Brief History of the Next 20 Years of Presidential Politics.

Starcasm discovered the Fake Sarah Palin Bikini Photo Is a FAKE!.

Howling Mad Jay has a fun toy for reporters frustrated by their lack of access to Ms. Palin: Pin Palin against the wall .

Other Satirical Nightmares

Satire Patch reveals all in: Man Dies, Discovers John Malkovich Is God .

banquet manager discovered The BEST Wedding Invitation Ever!

Sara Goldstein presents a fashion don’ts poem: ‘Mom jeans’ .

And B.M. Garrett takes us out on the one non-satirical note of the carnival, with this hilarious collection of additions to the English language, or as Garrett says, “neologisms for the purists “: Are you Obamatose or in Nirbama?

And that’s it for the 106th edition. Thanks to these fine folks for helping us with webby-stuff: the Blog Carnival for their form; and the listings at the Ubercarnival, Ferdy’s permanent floating ping festival, and for the listings at the Blog Carnival too. Also, you may find some satire here if you poke around a bit. Here too. Thanks to Riv for the scary pumpkin.

One Comment

  1. Thanks for including Starcasm in your carnival!

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