Welcome to the eleventh Carnival of Satire all. A few less posts than last week, but still some fun reading to be had. As there’s a few people coming from Instapundit (welcome all), I’ve added one of my own satires from this week, based on a controversy that made the rounds both in Canada and the US: Druids, pagans protest naming of Christmas tree.
Playah Grrl at Little Green Colloquium has her own amusing take on the Gangs of the Blogosphere, and in the process coins her own neologism.
Ferdinand T. Cat at Conservative Cat echoes our own concerns in It’s Time to Panic About Don Surber.
Leoniceno at Leoniceno’s Corner has a few ideas for Exit Strategies from Iraq.
Steve Pavlina at Steve Pavlina’s Personal Development Blog blows the lid off of empiricism in Musings on Reality, the Scientific Method, and the Cure for Dandruff.
Buckley F. Williams at The Nose On Your Face presents Detonation Is Temporary, Pride Is Forever.
Tim Kelly at Crack the Bell presents Pace Airlines Sucks.
Damian G. at Conservathink presents Book Review: Not One More Mother’s Child by Cindy Sheehan.
Lyn at Bloggin’ Outloud NOT Blogging Outloud presents It’s Bloggin’ NOT Blogging Outloud
And to wrap up this week, we have Adam Graham at Adam’s Blog presents Heh: The Secret To Great Blogging.
Remember for next week’s submissions you can submit here with this handy form, and the COS is listed at the Ubercarnival, and at the Blog Carnival too.
Wow. That is an incredibly beautiful cat you have in that picture.
He is an inspiration. 🙂 m.
I’m unfamiliar with the Personal Development blog, but it’s incredibly subtle satire if it is indeed that… have you read much of they guy’s work?