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Carnival of Satire #13

Carnival of Satire #13Welcome to the Carnival of Satire here at The Skwib. Okay, something has happened. Something important. Since we’ve started posting the “artwork” of the Last Dadaist, Toulouse Le Grandfig, people have become more absurd. Don’t believe us? Just read for yourself…

a4g [Ed. note: What kind of name is a4g? Is that some kind of artificial intelligence? A monkey-loving robot?] Anyway, a “staff writer” purporting to be a4g at Point Five breaks this important story wide open: Iraqi Police Seize New York Times Tanker Headed For Iraq

Tommy at Striving For Average gets us on the silly train by letting us know about the Rampaging Deer.

On a related note, the citizens of Narnia had better watch their cows closely, as Betsy of Narnia Reveals the Ugly Truth.

Buckley F. Williams at The Nose On Your Face shows us how anything can sound like a fundraising report in Zawahiri Gives Upbeat “State Of The Jihad” Address

200motels [Ed. sorry, ranted out.] at Let’s Get Something Straight Between Us! sends along The Third Eye of The Needle – An Original Novella By 200motels (Synopsis). We will let you, gentle reader, decide if this book should be actually written or not. Dr. Tundra has already put in his order.

Dean Abbott at Inspired By A True Story continues the absurdity with Lost.

Adam at Sophistpundit digs deep and comes up with this gem From the Blogger archive, circa 1863

Bob at either orr discovers that the Liberal Part has found a use for their rhetoric in New alternative fuel programme announced. [Note: We hope that Mr. Wilkins will let the Canadian spelling slide.]

General Kang is against the death penalty, but he scan spot good satire. FIAR at Radioactive Liberty presents Tookie Executed. Sorry, did we say General Kang? Not General Kang. Thag. General Kang is definitely pro-death penalty.

Closed Source Media Update at Pererro presents Jammin’. Must. Not. Make. Cheese. Joke…

More from the continuing saga of Peace Moonbeam at The Moonbeam Chronicles in The Party Faithful

Mr. Right at The Right Place presents ACLU Seeks Ban on Christmas “Propaganda” from the Public Airwaves.

May you be inspired by this satire/absurdity to send along some of your own next week. Remember you can submit here with this handy form; the COS is listed at the Ubercarnival, and at the Blog Carnival too. [Deer photo by markhsal.]


  1. a4g a4g

    My name was once described by Herman Wouk as “conjuring in the senses the heady aromas and exotic colors of a randomly generated password”.

    I’ll let his words speak for themselves.

  2. Carnival update (again)

    It’s Thursday, so it’s time for one and all to venture north to London on the Thames (Ontario, that is) , where the esteemed Mark A. has assembled some of the most demented wit in the known blogosphere in another edition of the Carnival of Satire.

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