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Great Revarticle in The Beat

The Beat -- the arts in London (Ontario)For those of you who live in the London area, I encourage you to check out the new arts magazine in town, The Beat.

And I’m not just saying that because of the positive review/article that Stuart A. Thompson wrote about Marvellous Hairy. It’s an interesting fusion of a review and an article, which he based on an interview he did with me.

Unfortunately, the article is only in the print version, so here’s a short excerpt:

Marvellous Hairy is a satire of modern corporatism seen through the eyes of London writer, Mark A. Rayner. Between conversing with ghosts, exploring the subconscious and falling in love, Rayner’s unique tapestry of characters expose the hare-brained psyche of the modern man.

Lampooning what is otherwise the tragedy of present-day capitalism, the novel weaves a narrative around Gargantuan Enterprises, a wretched corporation run by CEO Ted Shute. When he isn’t busy philandering and belittling employees, Shute oversees the alteration of DNA and manipulation of weather for profitable ends. …

While the deeper themes are apparent for those who care to find them, Marvellous Hairy is mainly a satire — a snap to read and enjoyable at that.

And as long as you’re on the intertubes, you can check out their website here, and you can join their facebook page here.