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Houston, we have a book trailer

Thanks to the creative (and hairy-knuckled) genius over at Webmonkees, Marvellous Hairy now has its very own book trailer:

Practical Applications of the Infinite Monkey Theorem


If the embedded link doesn’t work, you can find it at YouTube, or even better, check it out in the large format at Webmonkees!

Now, you may be asking yourself, what does the Infinite Monkey Theory have to do with my novel, apart from the rather obvious simian connection?

According to the artist known as Webmonkee:

Wherein the question is posed: Can a promotional animation for a book have little to do with the actual plot-line and yet be relevant? The book Marvelous Hairy http://marveloushairy.ca by Mark A. Rayner, and this video, both have monkeys in them..

And of course, like the majority of my videos. It’s a me-meme.

Therapist says this helps sate my inner monkey.

Wait, no, it illustrates a basic principle of chaos mechanics wherein if an infinite number of monkeys have youtube accounts.. no, that’s not it either.

Something about Shakespeare, inventor of the Shakes-and Bakes cooking method.

Or he wrote plays not unlike the output of a infinite number of monkeys with typewriters.

Anyhow, it’s a cool book, if you like Dougas Adams, or Terry Pratchett, as I do, you’ll probably like it.

One thing I don’t like, however, is spoilers. So, all I’ll reveal is that It’s funny, weird, and philosophical at the same time. And there’s a monkey in there, nay, everyone, somwhere..

It’s the inner lizard that will get you in trouble. And Bat Country.


  1. Sweet!

  2. admin admin

    Fun, eh? CC at Webmonkees is quite talented.

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