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The Shelf Monkey Reviews the Marvellous Hairy Monkey

Darwin, the official Shelf MonkeyI have another review to pass along. In the spirit of Corey’s full disclosure, he did help with a blurb before we released Marvellous Hairy, but I trust his honesty. Of course, I would, because he’s saying awfully nice things about MH! Seriously, though, Corey is a great writer and a conscientious — not to mention prolific — reviewer of books.

You can find his review, Monkey Droppings — Marvellous Hairy, “Think Down, Think Monkey”, here.

I liked this passage in particular, though I have to be honest, it scares the crap out of me:

Canadians are funny. Yet we have yet to produce an Adams, or a Terry Pratchett, or a Robert Rankin, Christopher Moore, or Tom Robbins. We have no true clown princes of prose. We have humourous writers, to be sure. Stephen Leacock, Trevor Cole, Miriam Toews, Douglas Coupland, Will Ferguson: Canadian literature does not lack for wit.

But with all that, where’s our Adams, Rankin, Moore et al? Where’s our cult author who mangles language with glee, who puns with ferocious focus, who bends and warps plotlines and traditional narratives to satisfy his craven tastes, who goes completely meta over the whole writing thing?

I don’t know. But I think Mark Rayner could be in the running.

Read the full review at Corey’s blog …>