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Roundup of more great reviews of The Fatness

Reviews continue to get posted about my new book. If you haven’t already checked out Joe Mahoney’s funny video review of The Fatness, you definitely should.

There’s also a new review up on

IR VERDICT: Easy to devour in one sitting, this tongue-and-cheek account of a BMI-obsessed society is both laughable and cringe-inducing. Unfolding in the confines of a Canadian Calorie Reduction Center (CRC) where people with a BMI greater than 30 are sent to lose weight, THE FATNESS is a story of socialism gone wrong is set amid a plausible backdrop with witty characters who will steal your heart and, snag your cheeseburger if you’re not careful.

And I quite enjoyed this review from Liliyana Shadowly on Goodreads:

review of the fatness

And in the not-so-new, but I just found category, check out Josh Mauthe’s long review of the book. Here’s a clip:

 All in all, it’s a satisfying, fun, clever read, one that makes its points with all the barbs they deserve while still telling a fun story.


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