Welcome to the 42nd edition of The Carnival of Satire. Maybe it’s the heat, or maybe it’s the humidity, but for whatever reason, we seem to be less ironic than usual. So instead of running another edition next week, we’ll hold back until July 27th. Until then, check back at The Skwib for our continuing quest to update The Devil’s Dictionary.
Dr. Deborah Serani has discovered a new psychological disorder called Ringxiety.
Ahistoricality discovered the coverage of a news-conference you might want to know about, particularly if you are interested in the history of WWII, and Roosevelt: Rumsfeld arrives in Afghanistan; 30 Taliban killed (posted at The New Chainik Hocker.)
Kneon Transitt sees naked people in: Punxsutawney Phil. And nudists..
Tommy at The Kag Report presents Al Gore: A Statement On Global Warming
Vox Poplar at presents 1 on 1 with Deb Frisch
And to finish up, we have to note that you just don’t see the phrase “Sean Penn’s nuts” very often. Enter Peace Moonbeam and her presentation: Starving For Attention.
Thanks to everyone for sending along your satire. Submit for the July 27th edition via this handy form, or or here; the COS is listed at the Ubercarnival, and at the Blog Carnival too.
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