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The Carnival of Satire (#44)

The Carnival of Satire #44Welcome to the dog days of summer edition. We hope this keeps you going over an extra-long break — we’ll return to our weekly schedule on September 7th. Until then, woof. is a dog (though you can never be sure on the web) to suggest 10 Ways to Freak Out Your Date. Of course, Dr. Tundra doesn’t need any help in this regard. Neither does General Kang. And Thag is no Cassanova either.

Madeleine Begun Kane at Mad Kane’s Notables has a howlingly funny tune for us: The Ballad Of Joementum Joe Lieberman (To be sung to the tune of Danny Boy)

Ahistoricality has been digging massive holes in the yard and found this great bone to play with: Great Americans!!!!!! Like Plato!.

SickSadWorld has a second lovely list for us this edition, with This is not a cry for help, I swear.

Ahistoricality also was good enough to dig up this science spoof: Spooked911 Moon landing faked!.

Stiknstein has no mercy has a cunning plan for Cuba

Tommy at The Kag Report has his own plan to achieve Peace Through Firepower.

Conservathink heats things up with the news that the Sun kills 60,000 in one year; U.N. loath to declare genocide.

Dana at Principled Discovery has a mission statement for The George Bush Institute for the Standardization of Intellectual Output.

Vox Poplar Is Right About Everything & Don’t You Forget It presents Mad Mel Runs Amok .

And to scratch one last itch, Miriam at miriam’s ideas has a two-second snark with Can war ever be the answer?.

Thanks to everyone for sending along your pet posts. Thanks to Michgm for the dog pic. Submit for the September 7th edition via this handy form, or or here; the COS is listed at the Ubercarnival, and at the Blog Carnival too. See you in September!


  1. Excellent collection!

    I promise, my hiatus doesn’t mean that I’ll stop looking for good stuff….

  2. Thanks — I think it adds a lot to have the kinds of submissions that other people find as well as self-authored stuff! Hope the hiatus is going well! m.

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