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The Carnival of Satire (#46)

The Carnival of Satire #46Welcome to The Carnival of Satire, where bloggers vent their finely crafted irony and satire. Okay, sometimes it is bluntly crafted, but not this week! We hope you enjoy the genius of these posts as much as we did:

Ahistoricality has discovered an imagining of what a GOP-themed Disneyworld might look like in: A Bush, Bush World (posted at Orcinus); and on a related note, this able cartoon work from The Poor Man Institute gives us a new Disneyish take on 9/11.

Do you lack social skills? Then Garrett O’Hara’s entertaining audio presentation about Facebook (Where Everybody Knows Your Name!) may help.

And if you’re a CAT with no social skills, then you definitely want check out this warning: Cats on Myspace May be Humans in Disguise, coughed up by Callas at Catnabbit!.

And while we’re on the topic of social skills … you know, you just don’t see the phrase, “Scoops and swells your mammary glands” enough in popular culture. Madeleine Begun Kane is changing that with The Wonderbra Song .

Damian G. at Conservathink has a bloody brilliant investigation into how controversial sex signs can stymie limeys. Pip, pip!

Tommy has learned that Microsoft plans to Replace Vista With A Deck Of Cards. In theory that should reduce the development time. In theory.

Vox Poplar has a few minutes with Andy Rooney…. The opening of this piece is reminiscent of one of our favorite scenes in Catch-22.

Ahistoricality has also, um, unearthed: Why Mormons Don’t Eat Pancakes, or How the North Won the Civil War. We may have to reference this post at Banana Slug when we hit “revisionism” in the Devil’s Dictionary.

The Hippo at Hippo Campy presents ‘BlaXploitation Revived in “Death of a President”

And to take us out on a contemplative note, Madeleine Begun Kane gets all Zen on us with The Rumsfeld Trap, a Political Haiku.

Thanks to Kansir for the mouse photo and to everyone else for the great satire! Really guys, keep it coming!

The weekly schedule is back now (and the 4 pm deadline). Submit via this handy form, or or here; the COS is listed at the Ubercarnival, and at the Blog Carnival too.


  1. Great job! Welcome back! We missed you!

  2. […] For your reading pleasure: Carnival of the Liberals Carnival of Satire Authors, Readers, And Writers The Obscene Scene From The ABC Mocku-Drama (Don Davis) Carnival of Satire Funny Stuff Best of Me Symphony The Ringing of the Bards Carnival of the Insanities Tech Blog Carnival Story Blogging Carnival Carnival of Family Life Carnival of the Decline of Democracy Personal Development Carnival […]

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