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The Carnival of Satire (#48)

The Carnival of Satire #48Welcome to The Carnival of Satire, where we promise that you won’t have to give us anything except a few moments of your time, and perhaps a laugh or two. Certainly not a vital organ.

In China it’s a different story. There you may be expected to give such a “present to society”. Or perhaps you might get lucky and be a part of the crack Chinese organ relay squad. Whatever the case, it seems like we’re not the only ones to notice the incongruity of holding the summer Olympics in Beijing as some of these cartoons demonstrate.

Ahistoricality is less controversial, and helps us take this carnival up to “eleven” by helping us find Eric Muller’s Hierarchy of Legal Scholarship.

When it comes to spinach, Madeleine Begun Kane “can’t stands no more!” and proves it with her Ode To Spinach (Limerick).

So, was Popeye a sexy swabby? Yeah, we didn’t think so either. He probably could have used this “advice” on How to Be Sizzling Hot – Guide for Men.

Continuing with the “hot” theme, neither Helen nor “Lucy” would qualify. Thag says, “think again.”

Less hot than Helen AND the Emperor from Star Wars? That could only be the Pope. Bile, Snark, and Sneer have more of his “wisdom” with THE truth hurts.

On Pope-related note, we thought that you might “agree” with Archer at Lawyerworldland who suggests I hope we can move on.

The Kag Report “explains” that Canadian experts agree Mona Lisa is a painting.

Brian Tarcy has NFL “action” with

The prolific Madeleine Begun Kane has another “limerick” (well we had to air-quote something): Bush’s Burst Bubble.

To take us out on a “tasty” note, Joan Conde has a post in which Condeleeza Rice Asks: Am I an Oreo? posted at Mamacita.

Phew, now that we’ve “vented” some spleen (much better than giving it away), we will take a break until next week. Thanks to all for their posts, and you can submit your satire via this handy form; the COS is listed at the Ubercarnival, and at the Blog Carnival too.


  1. Mark: Thanks for a great carnival! Love the satire on the Chinese Olympics!

  2. […] For your reading (and viewing) pleasure: * Carnival of Satire * Daily Show video clip, courtesy of One Good Move: War On Terror Progress Report. * Satirist Don Davis gives us a look at the real Iraq Intelligence Report. * Carnival of the Vanities. * Shakespeare’s Sister doesn’t approve of the New York Post’s snide take on Keith Olbermann’s anthrax scare. * All Hat No Cattle has gone Comma Crazy. * The Good Blogs now has a U.S. Politics section. If you’re not familiar with The Good Blogs, it’s a cool new site whose purpose is to “create distributed communities of bloggers who actively promote each other every time readers visit their blogs…” And I’m very pleased to participate in its U.S. Politics showcase and its BlogSisters showcase.Technorati Tags: Blog Publicity, Linky Love, Weblog Publicity, Blog Promotion Share and Enjoy:These icons link to social bookmarking sites where readers can share and discover new web pages. […]

  3. Great job, as always. Thanks for including me! Also, I wanted to let you know that my political blog, which you blogroll, has moved to:

    Thanks again!

  4. Mark:

    Thanks again for the link.

    About the money you wanted- we can get it all in used twenties, but it’s tough these days finding a brown paper bag for the drop-off behind the dumpster in the park.

    Can we use plastic?

    Thanks a bunch,

    Bile, Snark, and Sneer

  5. Thanks for the link!

  6. Sunday Funnies

    image courtesy of faithmouse
    Dr. Sanity has the Carnival of Insanities
    The Skwib has the Carnival of Satire
    The Crazy Rants Of Samantha Burns: Democrats attempt to negotiate with terrorists.
    Babalu shows a picture of unconditional love.
    Steve H. at…

  7. […] You can find lots more really good stuff at Dr. Sanity’s Carnival Of The Insanities, Stop The ACLU’s Sunday Funnies, The Skwib’s Carnival of Satire, Samantha Burns’ Links That Don’t Stink, and every day at The Conservative Cat. […]

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