Welcome to the 61st edition of the Carnival of Satire. Enjoy! (Or there will be wailing, and gnashing of teeth.)
The Richmond Democrat has unearthed a copy of The text of Cheney’s speech to the General Assembly. (We were surprised by the amount of stage directions in the notes — those Vice Presidential speech writers don’t leave anything to chance.)
Big Picture Guy as a harrowing tale of the “bistro blabber” and the dangers of Sex Appeal.
Divided We Stand United We Fall has parody with Nancy Pelosi tempted by the One Ring.
Arun has ruminations on how the American male is out of wooing ideas in Bar Culture: Expensive for Tools, Free for Women!
Madeleine Begun Kane presents limerick for your delectation: O’Donnell v. The Donald.
Long or Short Capital posits a disturbing theory about climate change in Cephalopod Positions Rising from Underwater.
Wisdom From Wenchypoo’s Mental Wastebasket has a Book Review:Medicare Meets Mephistopheles.
Bile, Snark, and Sneer has Robertson-related snark with Finally.
magiclamp.org has a thorough Year in Television Review for 2006
My Third Eye Itches presents Yoga News – Sixties Gurus Go On Tour.
And to take us out on a lighter note, Tra La La has news of Paris Hilton Going In For The Kill.
Thanks to everyone for submitting their satire, and thanks to these fine folks for helping us with webby-stuff: the Blog Carnival for their form; and the listings at the Ubercarnival, and at the Blog Carnival too.
Carnival of Divided Government NONUS – Broken Resolution Edition
Welcome to the ninth edition of the Carnival of Divided Government – The 2007 Broken Resolution Edition…If you enjoyed this carnival, you shoul also check out the … Carnival of Satire (#61) posted at Mark Rayner’s irregular weblog “The Skwib”, a…