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The Creative Mind of Dr. Ronald Chevalier

Dr. Ronald ChevalierYou may not have had a chance to read any of Chevalier’s works, and if you have I am sorry for you. It’s brilliant stuff, particularly his Cyborg Harpies books. (I believe there are three or four trilogies now.)

At any rate, he has joined the league of authors using new media to promote his work, and you can find an excellent excerpt from his latest book in the Cyborg Harpies series: The 8th Chronicle, Bio Wars: A Harpy’s Perspective at his website.

Here is a short excerpt, but please, go check out the
full audio clip at his website:

Gorgana stood in her rejuvachamber, inspecting her left mammary cannon. It had been badly damaged in that afternoon’s melee, and had been misfiring at dinner. Low-level mamablasts were discharging everywhere, causing panic in the lower mess hall, killing a strangeling servile, and even destroying a table of sulokak, a Harpy delicacy similar to biscotti.

Alltop and humor-blogs.com have also been having problems with their mamocannons. I believe that Flight of the Conchords has too.

One Comment

  1. And thank you, sir. I never would have discovered this on my own. Outstanding.

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