William Wallace Presents the Battle of Stirling Bridge (Slide Five)
- We smell like crap
- We can’t read
- We’re covered in woad
- Time to kick some ass!
William Wallace Presents the Battle of Stirling Bridge (Slide Six)
- What’s in it for you?
- Freedom from English tyranny. (Not Scottish.)
- For me? I don’t know, perhaps I’ll get knighted or something.
Sir William Wallace Explores Concept of Defeat at Falkirk (Slide 3)
- Form in schiltrons – yah, like a hedgehog
- English can’t break through those!
Trial of Wallace in London (Slide 1)
- Can’t be tried for treason
- Never subject of Edward
- Didn’t knock up your future Queen either.
Inspired by:
Battle of Stirling Bridge (Sep. 11, 1297)