John Hancock proposes boycott of British East India Company tea to Colonial housewives, 1769 (slide 4)
- I agree tea is lovely but coffee is good too
- Because, this will hurt British
- Yes, my signature is big
- No, not indicative of anything else, Madame.
Paul Revere delivers Suffolk Resolves to First Continental Congress, 1774 (final slide)
To recap:
- no British goods
- raise militia
- ignore British rule
- Intolerable Acts — really intolerable.
Thomas Paine presents Common Sense in Philadelphia, 1776 (slide 3)
Being part of Britain — third problem:
- drag America into unnecessary wars.
Jefferson previews first draft of Declaration of Independence to other committee members, 1776 (slide 4)
Unalienable rights — further explanation:
- not being killed or life?
- freedom from slavery or liberty?
- pursuit of happiness or — swag, property, bling?
- open to suggestions…
Jacques-Donatien Le Ray invites Benjamin Franklin to stay at his fully staffed mansion in Paris, 1776 (slide 12)
- As I love liberty, and believe all men are equal
- Use my mansion in Passy
- No electricity experiments is all I ask
- France and America will always be great friends!
Baron von Steuben drills Continental Army at Valley Forge, 1778 (slide 12)
Key elements of Prussian order:
- bad food
- harsh conditions
- severe discipline
- “friendship” of your fellow soldier.
Washington farewell address, 1796 (slide 7)
Further, regarding sectionalism:
- not so sure a two-party state is a good idea.
My wife -for my birthday- is letting me buy The Amadeus Net.
But if I pay extra, can I get it in a font that looks like glued on magazine letters?
BTW, I will need the book faxed …
Certainly, and as an added bonus, I can send you photos of the real LOBO, here in Southwestern Ontario!