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Venn Diagrams of Publishing, Hypocrisy and Despair

Okay, this one isn’t entirely original, but I have tarted it up a bit. Made me laugh because of its truthiness, and lest you think I am judging, I fall into the “bloggers” category too!

Venn Diagrams of Hypocrisy

I found the original at The Atlantic here.

You may also want to check out another older one, Economies of Despair:

Economies of Despair: Promoting Books With Blogs

The commentary is a hoot.

Now, please help me prove this second one wrong by going to my publisher’s website, and buying a copy of Marvellous Hairy. (Only $16.80 Canadian.) Let me know you did so in the comments, and I’ll send you a bookplate (with my signature if you want it, just say so!)

Then you will prove the diagram actually looks more like this, and I think we all want that:

The vagaries of taste

Alltop and form a Venn Diagram of Funny.