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Visit Humor-Blogs and other shameless promotions

Every time you masturbate, God kills a kittenYou may have noticed a new button deep down on The Skwib sidebar, showing this famous picture. Click on it and visit Humor-Blogs.com, an aggregator of blogs that concentrate on teh funny. This is the brainchild of Diesel, who hosts the hilarious blog, Mattress Police — Antisocial Commentary. He’s also written a book, and it will be available later this week. You should get a copy! (After you’ve purchased THE AMADEUS NET, of course.)

And if you’ve got a humor blog, you should definitely consider joining. Not only will you be part of an elite cadre of chuckle-meisters, you will have the chance to have these highly intelligent, well-dressed, nice-smelling folks rip your blog to shreds in a fair and balanced review. (Was that enough groveling?)