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Okay, a new thing today; instead of just listing carnvials, I’d like to point folks to some other weblog entries that I’ve enjoyed over the past week or so.

I’ll start with today’s carvnivals, though. First, the COTV is held this week at And you’ll find The Skwib mentioned at the Wednesday edition of Conservative Cat’s Funny Stuff.

Over at WuzzaDem, I thought this Blog Noir tale was very funny.
And it’s more than a week old, but Mr. Sun had this answer for the question: What caused Robert Novak to blow? (I especially like the line: “funny feelings while watching men’s gymnastics.” Also fitting into the “or so” category is Jesus’ General cartoon: Blessed are the embryos.

And another carnival note – the Carnival of Comedy had its sweet 16. Wow. They grow up so fast, don’t they?