
XPTRA-7 Project

The XPTRA-7 Project is advancing far more quickly than the CEO, CFO or COO had anticipated and is concurrently speeding up the procress of our NC12-Unit Propegation process.

Reports from Field Z-12 Organizers are quite encouraging, and with continued good weather and high feul prices, the XPTRA-7 Project should be completed by the end of FQ4, 2007.





FDPL Division

At the annual FDPL Division Brainstorming session, several members of the team were pushing the envelope and trying to get the moose on the table.

Man of the ideas were best put in the parking lot with the engine running, but once we got our ducks in a row, we were positioned to move forward in an expeditious way. We avoided any blamestorming, and though some of the ideas were best fed to the monkeys, we found an idea that was able to wash its own face. However, there was some danger that we would need to sweat the assets with the idea, so it went back to the table to look at virtual, team-based competencies.

This led to a holistic, re-engineered simulation of past successes in which we played out some radical, groupwide scenarios.

Eventually, we found a harmonized, extended solution that will be presented at the JBM AGM following the CEO Keynote Address.

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