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cloned workforce  

Research &

Our research and development department is the heart and mind of JBM. The soul of JBM resides in the Office of the CEO.

Currently, the RND Department is examining the possibilities of cloned workforces, enhanced by cybernetic brain prostheses and implanted HUD. Originally, we were working with a more robust version of XP, but after several recalls and "problems" with the workforce, we have opted for an open-source solution. The clones seem to do best on a steady of diet of low-amp current and a kind of nutritionally complete Pop-Tart. The beta operating group of clones is pictured to the left.

In the future, we hope to implement a new protocol for self-generating intelligent juggernauts, at which point, advanced AI will bring forth the Technological Singularity and human civilization will come to a close.

Presumably, profits will soar.

We encourage you to read about JBM's RND Department at the following news organizations:

CBC Radio

CNN Moneyline

New York Times


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