It wasn’t that Lester didn’t enjoy the dream, but it was just so difficult to interpret.
Had Jennifer finished the marketing plan or not?
And why did he have a sudden craving for milk?
From Toulouse Le Grandfig in the Land of the Future | photo by Defekto
[…] from Bonodminton | The Tragic Story of Larry and Wanda Pogo | Does your robot rule, so to speak? | A Mysterious Dream | Survival Tips for Tiny and Polite […]
last night i had a dream where i was in the future and i had childeren they were 19 17 and 18 the told me i was there mother i said to myself is it true and then for some reson i new someone was coming and i said get in the house and they did and there where a few people in there and i asked who are you people but they said thats not important and also i asked whats going on and a woman said these are your childeren in the future and i started to cry with them then they said i had to leave with those people or they had to take my kids and then i said no and i said is this a real life experians and they said yes this is how your kids look and i woke up all teary and i did start to cry . my age is 12 and when i do have kids i will probaly be 17or 18 .