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Carnival of Satire #7

Carnival of Satire -- with pic of iguanaWelcome to the seventh Carnival of Satire at The Skwib. This is a lucky number indeed, with a collection of pert and perspicacious posts for your delectation.

Elisson at Blog d’Elisson takes out his palette and brushes, and presents this Sistine Chapel of Satire: I’m the Guy

Hoodlumman at File it Under (who’s motto is: “Iguanas in hats. Admit it — you’re hooked.”) does hook us, and then shook us up this morning with a seriously funny bit of satire in Rumbles, Sirens Detected in Metro Areas.

Tommy at Striving For Average made us feel a little less stupid with a satirical explanation of howA Closed Senate worked.

And Ferdinand T. Cat at Conservative Cat tackles the same issue in The Story Behind the Behind Closed Doors Story.

Buckley F. Williams at The Nose On Your Face give us a treat with Miers Withdraws Acceptance To White House Halloween Bash. My only quibble with this excellent satire — I doubt very much that one of Bush’s speech writers would dare saddle him with a word like “preternatural”.

And Rev. Billy Bob Gisher at Less People Less Idiots who tackles the more ticklish religious issues, made us snarf our coffee with Ticketmaster reports problems with Rapture tickets.

As always we look forward to next week’s submissions. Remember you can submit here with this handy form, and the COS is listed at the Ubercarnival, and at the Blog Carnival too.



    Mark A. Rayner hosts the seventh Carnival of Satire at the skwib, with Yours Truly the lead-off batter.

    Seven: the prototypical Lucky Number. Does this mean satirists will all be Getting Lucky today?

  2. Blog Carnival index: Carnival of Satire #7

    CARNIVAL OF SATIRE is now up at the skwib!

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