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Grandfig: Karl groks the 'English disease'

Karl groks the Karl Gustav the German Hat-Wearer never understood why the French were always going on about the ‘English disease’.

For Gott’s sake they were French! Degenerate snail-eating, malodorous, cravat-tying, frog-frying French. The French had killed his son at Ypres, they’d fornicated with sheep, whose brains they proceeded to cook with wine and fungus. The French. The French and their worries about the ‘English disease’.

Then he met Baden Powell. and Alltop are also concerned about the French. You will also find a few people concerned about things, French or not, at the Carnival of the Insanities.


  1. Dam French, everyone knows its beer and fungus with post coital sheeps brains…

    (Oh by the way I linked to General Kangs posts in my latest post, hope thats alright.)

  2. Of course — and thanks! m.

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