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Places that Exist: Taboo Resort

I went up to the Muskokas to visit a friend over the weekend, and couldn’t help but notice one of those helpful blue tourism signs on the highway, which quite helpfully let me know that I could — if so inclined — stay at the Taboo Resort.

Unfortunately there wasn’t enough room on the sign for their tagline:

Come for the paraphilia, stay for the cannibalism!

Taboo Resort -- come for the paraphilia, stay for the cannibalism!

I’ve heard that the watersports at Taboo are popular with and the children’s buffet is a favourite at Alltop.


  1. Come to the delightful Taboo Resort and enjoy snap! crackle! and pop! and all before breakfast.

  2. Come to Taboo resort… bring your sister!

    What, to far… yeah you’re right, to far.

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