Puritan neocon whackjob list of bad books

I’m sure everyone is linking to the “10 Most Harmful Books of the 19th and 20th Centuries” thing, but I cannot . . . restrain . . . comm- . . . en- . . . tary . . .

I can agree with the first three: The Commmunist Manifesto, Mein Kampf and Mao’s Little Red Book, though I think there’s some merit to the Communist Manifesto in terms of helping create the field of economics. However, after that, all I can say is: WTF!

The Kinsey Report? Come on.

Even more telling — check out some of the “honourable mentions” on their list:

  • On Liberty by John Stuart Mill
  • Origin of the Species by Charles Darwin
  • Coming of Age in Samoa by Margaret Mead
  • Silent Spring by Rachel Carson

Yep. Except for the work by mass-murderers, what we got here is not a list of harmful books, but a list of books that a bunch of puritanical, anti-science, regressive, knuckle-draggers would like to ban first. Traditional libertarian values, evolution, anthropology, environmentalism . . . yep. All bad.

See the list of eeevil | Cleanse palate with dose of irony

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