Attention book reviewers and influential readers

Marvellous HairyWe interrupt the usual claptrap here on The Skwib for a little promo.

If you consider yourself a book reviewer or an “influential readers” then I have review copies of my second novel available. What’s an influential reader? If you publish your views in any publication such as a blog, podcast or other media, have a book club or buy books for a library, then I’d be happy to send you a copy. If you’d like to help out in some way so you can get a copy, but you don’t see any of those being you, I’d still like to hear from you. Just send me an email at markarayner (at) gmail (dot) com with you coordinates.

You can learn more at the Marvellous Hairy website, or read the blurb:

So hair is sprouting in unspeakable places and you can no longer carry a tune, but if you’re a surrealistic artiste with an addiction to Freudian mythology and guilt-free sex, turning into a monkey has its upsides.

Nick Motbot may be evolving as a novelist, but his friends aren’t too sure about his DNA — at least, not since Gargantuan Enterprises started experimenting with it. And once they figure out what’s happening to him, they decide to set things right. MARVELLOUS HAIRY is a satirical novel about a group of friends sticking it to the man the only way they know how, with equal parts grain alcohol and applied Chaos Theory.

Author: Mark A. Rayner
Press: Crossing Chaos Enigmatic Ink
ISBN: 978-1-926617-08-04
Literary Fiction — Fabulist Satire
Release Date: Fall, 2009

Alltop and are influential readers, but they move their lips when they do.
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