Tag Archives | buy my books

Christmas Carnage!

Snowscape with holiday greetings

Time for a little blogging break. I’ll be back in the New Year, and in the meantime, I hope you all have a nice little break yourself. If you’re dying for more Skwib, perhaps you can avail yourself of the archives, or even better, why don’t you treat yourself to one of my novels? You can buy Marvellous Hairy anywhere fine literature is sold online, including 99-cent ebooks at Smashwords and Kindle. The Amadeus Net is available direct from the publisher, ENC Press, or as an ebook on Smashwords or Kindle (99-cents).

And you may want to have a wee nip and listen to this Christmas classic too:
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The snowy gif above is based on the brilliant photo by mikonT. Alltop had nothing to do with it.