Sex Au Naturel, Shelf Monkeys and Other Naughtiness

The beautiful and talented Isabella Rossellini has created a series of short films explaining the sex life of a variety of creatures in the bug world, called Green Porno. Here is one from the perspective of the male spider, so all you arachnophobes might not want to click on the play button, unless your and S&M kind of arachnophobe, which would be quite appropriate:

YouTube Preview Image

Shelf Monkey coverNow, if funky bug love is not your thing, you may want to check out Shelf Monkey, an entertaining and iconoclastic look at the world of books. It’s a little like Catch-22, but instead of bombers and Italian prostitutes there are big box book stores and people eating pizza. The role of Yosarrian is played by a confirmed and inveterate book nerd (named Thomas). I think Corey Redekop may also have been channeling Chuck Palahniuk when he wrote it, so you should check it out. You can read more about it at the publisher’s website and at Corey’s blog, where he has some links to where you can buy it online. (Though we’re all aware of my theories of the blog-reading public’s book-purchasing proclivities.)

Corey has taken the trouble to tag me with the sfsignal meme, and here is the fifth sentence from page 123 of Peter Earle’s “The Pirate Wars”:

“But, alas, something seemed to happen to naval commanders in the balmy waters of the Indian Ocean and they did none of these things, as Captain Richard White of HMS Hastings reported from Swally Hole near Surat in March 1700.”

You may be interested to know that in my kindergarten report card, the teacher, Miss Deatch, noticed that I “played well with others” (or whatever the phrase was). I have yet to live up to this promising beginning, and so, I am tagging the following individuals with this odious meme:

Grundir the Meme-Wraith
Rickey Henderson

But you know what would be really naughty? You could click on this really risqué humor website. Please? I mean, The Skwib has just dropped off the list completely, and that is just not right. Oh, and then hit your back button and click this one too. Miss Deatch is watching.

5 Responses to Sex Au Naturel, Shelf Monkeys and Other Naughtiness

  1. LOBO June 17, 2008 at 7:29 pm #


    Mark. Two words: Grûndir the Implacable!

    Nobody has probably read this yet. Save yourself and delete this post!

  2. Mark A. Rayner June 17, 2008 at 8:10 pm #

    Are you kidding me? Some kind of weird accent over a “u”? Not gonna happen. m.

  3. don June 18, 2008 at 12:20 am #

    GAAAA! I just finished doing a meme! Will the madness never end??? and ?

    OK. Because I respect you so much (And because I can’t let LOBO gain the upper-hand in the race to MAD, (Meme assured destruction) I will, this once, play your game. Oh and I pushed both buttons too. Must be getting soft in my old age.

  4. Mark A. Rayner June 18, 2008 at 8:06 am #

    I gotta say, I’m shocked Don. I thought I picked five that would NEVER do another meme. 🙂

  5. Qelqoth June 19, 2008 at 6:55 pm #

    You’re really not going to let my fear of memes slide, are you? I’ll just give you the bump up on instead. You said you need it and it’s the very least I could do.