The Carnival of Satire (#80)

The Carnival of Satire (#80)From the Beijing Olympics, to Russian interference at the North Pole, this Carnival of Satire has an international flavor, and speaking of flavor, we begin with a hilarious review of The Food Network from Riding with Rickey.

Conservathink has disturbing, less-than-jolly breaking news: Following Russian claim of Arctic sea bed, Santa Claus falls ill; President Putin denies culpability.

We’re a year away from the Olympics in China, and Madeleine Begun Kane has The Real Poop on Chinese exports.

You can find a few of our own satirical take on the next Summer Olympics in our Beijing Olympic mascot series for new Chinese demonstration “sports”: Tibetan Dissident Bi-athalon, Organ Relay, Hu Flung Falun Gong? (pictured at left), Forced Sterilization Footy and Press Clubbing.

Speaking of atrocities, Hurty Elbow examines the issue of photo retouching in the magazine industry, with this Redbook cover (if Redbook and retouching had been around during the time daVinci painted Mona Lisa).

Jeremy has a perky post on How to save your career with nano fiber.

Wyatt Earp brings us An Important Message From “America’s Mayor”.

Koranteng Ofosu-Amaah has a harrowing and satirical (we hope) Anatomy Lesson. Scroll down to The Bible and the Ganglion to find it.

Alvaro Fernandez has the Top Ten Tips for Women Who Lead Men.

And finally, Madeleine Begun Kane has another humorous limerick, this time about British pubs: This Doesn’t Pass The Smell Test.

Thanks to everyone for continuing to make this a great carnival. If you submitted something, and it didn’t make it into the carnival, it’s not that we don’t appreciate your work, but we just felt it wasn’t right for the carnival. In fact many submissions were quite funny/interesting/entertaining, but not really satire. Defining that is a bit subjective, but you’ll find our take on it here, in an essay on Satire’s Ugly Sisters. Thanks to these fine folks for helping us with webby-stuff: the Blog Carnival for their form; and the listings at the Ubercarnival, and at the Blog Carnival too.


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