Forty-seven signs of the Apocalypse (#47)

From the Book of Renovations:

47 signs of the apocalypse (#47)
And lo, there will come a time of Great Home Improvement and truly, it will be a time of Wailing and Unhappiness.

To the Church will come a False Prophet, and his name shall be Allen, or Tim, and he shall encourage the use of over-powered tools for all manner of misguided Weekend Projects.

And then the people will Suffer a great many Traumas. Those who would be Carpenters shall hurt themselves in great number with nails and spikes and all manner of metal, and there will be machines that show the truth of these internal injuries and Cranial Invasion.

There will be some Explaining To Do, and the wives and husbands of the Carpenters will shake their heads, wroth with confusion and pain.

Originally published April 2007.


  1. Anonymous - April 25, 2007

    Carnival Of The Odd-Edition Number One.

    Welcome to the April 25, 2007 edition of carnival of the odd. The carnival was a little late being posted due to several late submissions. Please remember to visit the sites, comment and submit your own posts for the next edition!

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