Tag Archives | Waiting for Godot

Waiting for Google-o

Any fans of Samuel Beckett will want to check out this little gem on YouTube. It’s strongly reminiscent of the absurdity of Waiting for Godot:

Estragon: I can’t go on like this.
Vladimir: That’s what you think.

The premise is that Charlie Rose is interviewing Charlie Rose about technology. (And its absurdities.)

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Via Very Short List, which has this to say about their favourite moment: “One Charlie successfully unnerves the other with a simple “Steve is not happy” — hands-down the most portentously sinister non sequitur since “What’s the frequency, Kenneth?””. Humor-blogs.com has recently been in non sequitur mode too, but it seems better now.

The Phrase Freak: Specific Timetable

Non-specific bus timetableThis is a phrase you hear more and more, particularly in the broadcast media, but the print world is guilty of it as well.

For example, I Googled the phrase in a news search yesterday, and got 850 results, including such august publications as the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. To be fair, I was sent to Google after hearing it on CBC (radio) news recently.

A timetable, by it’s very nature, is specific. Otherwise, it is quite useless, as evidenced by the “non-specific” timetable I’ve created for the fictional Godot Buslines.

Freak level on this phrase: 7 gobsmacks out of 10.