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The Inventions of Michael Flannigan




Related Inventions:


Flannigan's Astonishing Pinnepedia Elixir

The Pornograph



Flannigan's Phanerogam Rendering Tube, circa 1850the Nautch
Commonly known as "The Nautch", this was one of Michael Flannigan's most successful, if uncelebrated, inventions.

Though an outwardly repressed people, the Victorians were fond of their fun. At least, Victorian gentlemen were fond of their bit of crumpet on the side, which accounts for the staggering number of prostitutes and brothels (one in sixty houses) in London. The female population in 1851 was more than half a million (or about 4 per cent) greater than the male population, and it seemed like most of them spend their time earning a few bob doing Bob. (Bob preceding the current slang: John. Also the etymology of the phrase: Bob's your uncle.)

It goes without saying that syphilis was a real problem. That strange prognosticator Malthus had already, and unaccountably, condemned the sheath, or floopyphellos, as doxies and nautch-girls were fond of describing them. (An 1854 sex manual written by a Dr. Hoops Sie Drysdale had this to say: "...the sheath dulls the enjoyment, and frequently produces impotence in the man and disgust in both parties, so that it is both injurious and ludicrous.") The spirochaete Troponema had a field day.

Enter Michael Flannigan to save the horizontal entertainment industry. His Phanerogam Rendering Tube was the answer to every English gent's problem. Simply purchase "The Nautch", conveniently pre-rendered for your enjoyment, light it on fire, and stick your John Thomas in the superheated mixture of tallow, lyme and plaster. (After the fire had gone out of course.) The cure rate was phenomenal – virtually none died of syphilis, though many were driven mad by the intense burning that followed not only the first use of a Nautch, but the subsequent intense aftereffects of the lyme application on their members. (Flannigan had presciently combined that base ingredient with both tallow and plaster, making it nearly impossible to remove the admixture before the Nautch could do its good work.)

Some deviants swore by the Nautch, and wives were even known to buy their errant husbands Flannigan's invention by the boxload. Flannigan sold enough Phanerogam Rendering Tubes to finance his ill-fated trip to Tibet in 1852.

--"Scholarship" by The Squire


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