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restoring a speculative treasure

of the Emily Chesley Reading Circle



Our most holy document is the Covenenant

silly hats galore!
Associate members shall be known to the group as "Visiting Scholars"
1) The Codex shall in no way contravene or pass wind by the Emily Chesley Reading Circle's Covenant. The purpose of the Codex is to outline the particular goals and policies of the Emily Chesley Reading Circle (henceforth known as the Circle), and to prevent further revisions to that most holy of documents, the Covenant.

2) As always, the following groups are encouraged to engage in lively conversation and "reading" with the Circle: fruit bats, sweet-smelling, polite Parisians, Magyars named Steve, and of course, any "goer", eh, know what I mean?

3) New members. Membership in the Circle is by invitation only. Each candidate for associate membership must be sponsored by a Foundational Member (see Covenant for list), and naturally, have a deep and abiding interest in "reading", "literature" and of course, Emily Chesley. Also, a willingness to provide Foundational Members with "reading" material would be welcomed. A quorum of Foundational Members (3) must agree that the new member is suitable for the said member to be accepted within the Circle. Usually, the wearing of a silly hat is involved.

Associate members may vote at meetings, receive Circle e-mails and other correspondence, and otherwise contribute to the mission of the Circle. Did we mention that they are encouraged to provide "reading" material to Foundational Members? Associate members may never nose-tweak or fence-wedgie Foundational Members, unless Scottish "books" are provided in compensation. At their first meeting, new associate members are required to wear a silly hat.

4.) Foundational Members shall now be known to the group as "Founders". Associate members and "Founders" shall also be known as "Members" or by the following specific appellations:

Visiting Scholar: this expression describes potential associate members, well-wishers who purchase "reading" material for the group or longtime associate members or Founders who rarely show up for meetings.

Alternative designation: Visiting Member

Scholar-in-law: This is the term used to describe Visiting Scholars who show up at the monthly meetings, but who have yet to contribute research to the Circle.

Alternative designations: Member-in-law
Member in Good Standing

Erudite Scholar: This honorific is applicable to any Member who has contributed to the research mission of the Circle, unless they fail to attend three months in a row (see below).

Alternative designations: Erudite Member
Member in Good Standing

Shrunken Member: This applies to any Member who has not been to a meeting for three months running.

Alternative designation: The shame that has no other name

Severed Member: This applies to any Member who has not been to a meeting for six months running.

Alternative designation: Bobbited Member

Patron: This applies to a member who has been so generous as to pay for an entire evening's worth of "reading". Anyone may become a Patron.

5) In addition to our condemnation of the Norwegians (Damn the Norwegians!), the Circle shall curse the following nationalities from the Low Countries when their names are mentioned: the Dutch. (Screw the Dutch!), the Belgians (Garrote the Belgians), and the Luxemburgers (Bugger the 'Burgers!).

6) Other items may be added to the Codex with the agreement of a quorum of Foundational Members (3). Associate members may propose new items for the Codex, provided they furnish Foundational Members with the proper background "reading" material.

7) The following phrase shall be used in Letters of Annoyance only after a full and completely frank discussion (and subsequent agreement) of the Circle: butt-humping. Use of this lamentable construction is perfectly valid in other documents.

8) At each meeting one member of the Circle shall be elected honorary "Keeper of the Fez" until the next meeting.

9) Special Rules:
From time to time it may be necessary to adopt special rules. They shall be listed here.

Rule A: The Squire shall not "read" more than two small peppermint "books" from the Alps on any given "reading night".

Rule B: Members shall inform other members if they've used the Fez for sexual purposes, and not cleaned it afterwards.

Rule C: No INTENTIONAL spitting.

Rule D: No wagering.


We, the foundational members of the Emily Chesley Circle,
do hereby attest on this

29th day of October, 1999

in the City of London, Ontario, CANADA

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