Hermitage Villas, 3000 BC
I’m in the land of the Amazons. The women are giant. And cruel. They play a game called “Truncheons and Skulls” with the men.
The winners levitate the unfortunate survivors; these poor devils are forced to laugh at their ignominious floating before they are consumed by carnivorous haberdashery.
I weep. My cigar is flaccid. All-told, I am sorry to have left the boat.
Next Time: Onionania
About the Photographer: Toulouse Le Grandfig was a surrealist painter, photographer and writer who never gave up dadaism. Also, he was fond of mulit-layered conundrums that could be fried with garlic.
I spent my first 3 years of university looking for giant, cruel women.
Different strokes, I guess
Yes, I suppose for some, Hermitage Villas could be a Field of Elysium…
Mmmmm, garlic conundrums.