
Stacy is horrified by tofu

When her friends invited her to the Harry Harrison Make Room! Make Room! Noodle Bar, Stacy expected a fun night out. Perhaps they would drink too much sake, eat some noodles tinted with green dye (that they would jokingly call “soylent green”) and forget about the tiny zombies rampaging through the city.

To her horror, she was presented with tofu.

More terrifying tofu here. Thanks to Betenoir for the photo.

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2 Responses to Nudels

  1. bagel February 25, 2008 at 9:49 am #

    I love this because I get it. It makes me feel smart 🙂

  2. Mark A. Rayner February 26, 2008 at 5:55 pm #

    Yay! I love it when Toulouse is not dense and impenetrable! m.